Creative Magic

Kat’s Crystal Intuitions Card of the Day 17/1/17
Yesterday the Unicorn card came to us and again today! Reinforcing that the collective consciousness is reconnecting to higher wisdom/divinity. Learn to listen to your intuition and to trust what you hear. If you’re unsure on how to do this a good way to start is to learn how to meditate. Start small, even if it’s five minutes of sitting in silence and gradually increasing the time and see what comes up for you. It could also be an active meditation like walking, colouring in or gardening; whatever suits you will benefit you. Spider encourages you to be playful with your creativity today as creativity is everywhere. Appreciate that creativity is process-oriented rather then results-orientated. The web the Spider weaves takes time and is intricate and yes it’s hard work but the Spider does not become impatient or tired of what it’s doing. The intricate web supports the Spider (and those around them) both financially and spiritually. By being process-oriented your ‘work’ becomes the weaving of a magical priceless tapestry and abundance will follow. Have a magical day – Kat ❤✨🕷🕸xx

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