Clarity is Coming Part 2

Clarity is Coming – Part 2

Good news will be coming this is something you have been waiting for! So this is a second confirmation that all is coming into perfect alignment. Your wishes, prayers and manifestations will be answered. If it’s a person this is a divine counterpart the Queen of Swords (we also have the King of Swords in this reading), a person who appeals to your mind as well as your heart who is an intellectually mature partner without drama.

This news may be delivered in a variety of ways as you will see. Issues you may have ignored may be seen clearly now. The Angel of Truth has heard your doubts and will guide you in the right direction to uncover the truth. Pay attention to your dreams, gut feelings and any repetitive messages or symbols you are shown that can connect you to this particular issue. Sometimes the messages that you receive are not what you want to know (they can be challenging) but they are what you need to know. Be mindful that the information you are given is meant for your highest good and to put you on the best path possible.

You may definitely have had or be having a ‘light-bulb’ moment, an epiphany. This is the Angel of claircognisance giving you a message through your higher self about your wish with the Nine of Cups. Sometimes this information can be rather profound that you wonder how it came to you. You are also accessing your natural clairvoyant abilities, we all have it. The veil to the spiritual world is thin at the moment so it is easier for you to access. Again pay attention to the signs messages are being sent to you so you can actively move forward clearly to your wish fulfillment, you do have to meet the universe half way to manifest it.

This spiritual transformation you have been growing through brings you from the Page of Swords, to the Knight of Swords with action. Unblocking your inaction and seeing clearly what it is you want to stand up for and maybe that is standing up for yourself which will be another spiritual progression to the King of Swords. This is when you will be ready to meet with your divine counterpart the Queen of Swords. As in the spiritual realm they will guide you to each other in the earthly realms. You now match each other’s values, heart, body and soul – a true Soulmate. You both admire each other and have been teaching each other from a distance on how to move through this awakening, to become the best version of yourself before coming into union together. Their is so much positivity, and success in this relationship – a true power couple where anything can be overcome.

Sending you all much love and light -Kat ❤️✨

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