Time to Meditate and let it Flow with Good Intentions 

Crystal Intuitions Weekend Reading 21st – 22 November 2015
Time for a Nap, reverse: Chaos and Conceit, Why?
It’s time to take a step back and rest, restore and meditate. Re-examine your intentions as their is great power in understanding what your motives are right now. When you understand ‘why’ and are clear about it, your intentions will be then like a magnet for miracles to occur. 
This is an advantageous moment to restore order and recognise the opportunity for negotiation. Even in the seeming chaos, their is a kind of Divine order, a complete resorting of elements. The overly busy mind can block you from your inner wisdom if you don’t take a step back, take a seat and rest this weekend. 
If your intentions are to find the highest good for all, there is positive news: the timing is perfect! You’ll soon discover everything you need to know about how this situation affects you in the long run. Be present and observe, allow your dreams to surface and ideas to flow, in a day or two act on those ideas. The invisible ‘why’ is the life-force energy within the seed, which brings it to life and holds the potential for growth. 
Please feel free to share as you never know who’s day you may brighten by sharing this message. Enjoy the your weekend. Sending much love and light to you all! – ❤️✨Kat xx 
Katrina Rowley is a certified Angel Card reader, Intuitive Soul reader, Holistic Counsellor and moon devotee. 

Email: katrina.rowley@optusnet.com.au




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